Abhay "Nemo" Rana is a FOSS enthusiast who specialises in information security and DevOps. Being a former employee at Razorpay, he has been involved with Fintech as well, with him writing a few articles related to the Indian banking sector.
He has given a plethora of talks regarding his interests, with notable ones being his talk on “Security Horror Stories in Payments” and his talk on running his own homeserver at RootConf ’19. Nemo also currently works on a variety of projects related to topics like E-books and RSS (Rich Site Summary) as well as a wide variety of tools for a selection of applications.
His talk in FOSS Meet '24 named "Ideas are useless, so here's hundred of them" delved into building and contributing software to make a change in your own day to day life. He spoke on how good ideas are plenty and how a good idea of a painting does not paint itself. His talk inspired many to start building software solutions for their problems and how the closer a problem is to you, more invested you can be in your project and how your own usage of your software will help it get debugged.