Enquire Quiz Club

The logo of Enquire

Enquire is the official quiz club of NITC.Enquire was the brainchild of a dedicated group of quizzers at NIT Calicut. Established in 2002, we are synonymous with our signature events during Tathva and Ragam, and Enquire Quiz Leagues. We conduct around 20 quizzes every year both online and offline. Enquire Quiz Club, being the quiz club of NITC, holds quizzes across the state and works to expand its frontier every year. Besides the presence of alumni in IIMs and other national level institutes, Enquire has conducted quizzes at KQA events. Enquire has also consistently maintained its position as the biggest quiz club in the state. Over the past year, ventures such as Weekenders which is a online Instagram quiz and Throwback Thursday have got got huge support from the masses.This club has independently hosted the most number of events in the campus

Connect and participate their online quizzes at Enquire_NITC


The flagship event of the club is Samasya which is a nation wide school level quiz competition. The event has a participation of around 5000 students from all around the nation

The quiz is conducted in two rounds prelims and finals


The prelims will be a pen a paper round conducted in different centers all around the nation which any student of any school can participate. Students can participate as single or teams of two. Out of this only 10-12 teams will be selected for the finals. The prelims are pen and paper round asking questions in general knowledge


The finals are conducted in the NITC campus. The questions are prepared and conducted by a famous quiz master of the time. The finals are usually conducted as an event in Tathva.