Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE Department), National Institute of Technology, Calicut, is involved in providing quality education at both Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) levels.

HOD: Dr. Jaikumar M. G.


UG programme in Electronics & Communication Engineering started in 1980 in the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1994 a PG programme in Digital Systems and Communication started. The rapid development in Electronics and Communications initiated the inception of a separate Department of Electronics Engineering in 1997, after the trifurcation of the Department of Electrical Engineering. In addition to the above programmes the Department is offering PG programmes in Electronic Design & Technology, Microelectronics & VLSI Design, Telecommunication and Signal Processing. The syllabi of the courses are continuously updated and the laboratories modernized to reflect the rapid changes in technology. It also offers high quality research programmes at Ph.D. level in a variety of areas.

Academic Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

  • B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Postgraduate Programmes

  • M.Tech in Electronics Design and Technology
  • M.Tech in Micro Electronics and VLSI Design
  • M.Tech in Signal Processing
  • M.Tech in Telecommunication

Vision and Mission


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is envisioned to be a leading centre of higher learning with academic excellence in the field of electronics and communication engineering.


The mission of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is to impart high quality technical education by offering undergraduate, graduate and research programs in the domain of electronics and communication engineering with thorough foundation in theory, along with strong hands-on design and laboratory components, tools and skills necessary for the students to become successful major contributors to society and profession.

Facilities and Services


  • Electronics Circuits Lab
  • Integrated Circuits Lab
  • Embedded Systems Lab
  • Communication Lab
  • Signal Processing and Communication Lab
  • Digital Signal Processing Lab
  • Project Lab
  • Telecommunication Lab
  • Research Lab I and II
  • Microelectronics and VLSI Lab
  • PSoC Lab
  • R &D Lab
  • Advanced Wireless Communication & Signal Processing Lab

Department Buildings

  • ECE Block I
  • ECE Block II
  • IT Lab Complex

Conference Hall

Seminar Hall

Department Library