Regional Politics


It is but a sad reality that regional politics is prevalent in NITC. The most prominent communal division in NITC is based on state and sometimes even regions in that state. Students often volunteer to be part of these state/region based groups.

These groups can be a safe haven away from home where they get advisement from seniors and a sense of belonging among their peers from similar background. Although, these groups can also become epicenters for ragging. It is a somewhat necessary evil that unknowingly freshers become a part of and often dissociate in later years.

SAC Elections

The legacy of state groups and district groups have a different purpose for those in power. During SAC elections, communal politics has it's biggest impact. Evidently, most voters prefer to elect someone that their seniors advised them to elect. With this mentality, votes become a commodity to come to power and the heads of these groups make deals on behalf of these vote banks.

Two of the most important SAC positions are TAS and CAS since they are appointed to decide the core team for Tathva and Ragam.

These positions of responsibilities for the fests are not only a star in their personal resume, but can also be a way to illegally pocket some spare change since Lakhs of rupees are funded for these fests.