Program design


Program Design

Offered by Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSED) in the 2nd semester from 2024 (3rd semester, previosuly) acts as an introductory course of DSA and contains topics such as time and space complexity, Linked lists, sorting and searching algorithm, heaps, binary trees and hash functions .The course also contains graph traversal algorithms like DFS and BFS but it was not taken for the B23 batch.

The examination pattern is not fixed and may depend on faculty. You will be informed of the same when you enter the examination room. In the case of B23s, it was an 3 hour examination, divided into 3 parts (of the faculty's choice). The point is to solve the question in a fixed time. Therefore this is not an exam you can simply go and write without speed practice. Practing some easy leetcode questions could definitely help.