Club Mathematica


Club Mathematica(CM) is the non technical club at NITC since 2000. The club conducts events related to mathematics. Their flagship events is called Infinitum which is an All India school level quiz competition

Infinitum[edit | edit source]

Infinitum is an annual school level quiz competition conducted by Club Mathematica to test the logical aptitude of the students. Started in the year 2011 with its first edition in Calicut, it has expanded to Trissur, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Vijayavada(Andra Pradesh),Trivandrum Kannur.The objective of this quizzing event is to encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts and enables students to think from different angles or simply " to think out of the box". It promotes a healthy debate amongst participants in order to learn from each other.

Infinitum is conducted in two levels- prelims and finals.

Prelims[edit | edit source]

Prelims consists of a pen and paper round which is conducted in schools. Participants are provided with the question paper consisting of :-

  • 10 Logic Questions
  • 5 Puzzle/Graphical Interpretation/Pattern Recogonizion
  • 5 Descriptive QuestionsParticipants supposed to answer the questions within the alloted time of 30 minutes. Four students are selected from every school on the basis of Rules and Regulations These four students are split into two teams for the district level finals

Finals[edit | edit source]

Finals consists of five rounds wherein after round two only top five teams get selected the remaining three rounds and rest of the teams are in danger zone . In each round the answers are awarded points based on the level of difficulty of the questions.