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[[File:FOSSMEET'2013 3.jpg|thumb|FOSSMEET 2013]]
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[[File:FOSSMEET'2013 5.jpg|thumb|FOSSMEET 2013]]
= FOSSMeet 2013 Schedule =
February 22-24, 2013 at NIT Calicut
== Track Legend ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:auto;"
! style="background:#e6f3ff;" | Track
! style="background:#e6f3ff;" | Description
| style="background:#f0f8ff;" | '''[[Category:Languages Tools and Platforms|LTP]]'''
| Languages, Tools and Platforms
| style="background:#fff0f5;" | '''[[Category:Design Web and Mobile|DWM]]'''
| Design, Web and Mobile
| style="background:#f5f5f5;" | '''[[Category:Others|OTH]]'''
| Others
| style="background:#e6ffe6;" | '''[[Category:Mini DebConf|DEB]]'''
| Mini DebConf
| style="background:#ffe6e6;" | '''[[Category:Enterprise Security and Cloud|ESC]]'''
| Enterprise Security and Cloud
| style="background:#ffebcd;" | '''[[Category:Special Event|SPE]]'''
| Special Event
== Day 1 - February 22, 2013 ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%"
! style="width:10%" | Time
! style="width:22%" | Bhaskara Hall
! style="width:22%" | Chanakya Hall
! style="width:22%" | Software Systems Lab
! style="width:22%" | Network Systems Lab
| 5:00 PM
| colspan="4" style="background:#ffebcd" | '''FOSSMeet Inauguration''' ''by Team FOSSMeet''
| 6:00 PM
| colspan="4" style="background:#ffebcd" | '''Keynote Talk''' ''by V Sasi Kumar''<br/>History and philosophy of Free Software
| 8:30 PM
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Freedom Box''' ''by Abhishek Madiwal''<br/>Privacy, security, and social networking
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Hacknights''' ''by Nitin Sai''
== Day 2 - February 23, 2013 ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%"
! Time
! Bhaskara Hall
! Chanakya Hall
! Software Systems Lab
! Network Systems Lab
| 9:30 AM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''WebRTC''' ''by Nagarjuna Varma''<br/>Web browsers with Real-Time Communication
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Functional Programming with Scala''' ''by Pramode C E''<br/>Workshop
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Debian Introduction''' ''by Pavithran Shakamuri''
| 10:30 AM
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''GNU/Linux Installation''' ''by Pavithran Shakamuri''<br/>Hands-on workshop
| 11:00 AM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''Web2Py''' ''by Vijeenrosh P.W.''<br/>Rapid Web Application Development
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Running a company atop of Opensource''' ''by Anoop Thomas Mathew''
| 12:30 PM
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center" | '''Lunch Break'''
| 2:00 PM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''Making money through Cooking Ruby''' ''by Harisankar P S''
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Gnome Localization''' ''by Anish Anil Kumar''<br/>Workshop
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Version control using Git''' ''by Noufal Ibrahim''<br/>Workshop
| 5:00 PM
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Knowledge Economy and Social Justice''' ''by Vishnu Prakash''
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Contributing to Free Software''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''
| 5:30 PM
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Why contribute to Free Software?''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''<br/>Panel Discussion
| 6:30 PM
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center" | '''Dinner Break'''
| 8:00 PM
| style="background:#ffebcd" | '''Hacknight''' ''by Team FOSSMeet''
== Day 3 - February 24, 2013 ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%"
! Time
! Bhaskara Hall
! Chanakya Hall
! Software Systems Lab
! Network Systems Lab
! Central Computer Center
| 9:30 AM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''Design, the geek way''' ''by Hiran Venugopalan''
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Video Editing using Kdenlive''' ''by Kenneth Cyrus''
| 10:00 AM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''Introduction to Blender 3D''' ''by Aneesh K R''
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Ruby gems packaging''' ''by Nandaja Varma''
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Open Street Maps''' ''by Pavithran Shakamuri''
| 11:00 AM
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Debian Packaging Workshop''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''
| 11:30 AM
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Git Unchained''' ''by Ramkumar Ramachandra''
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Emscripten''' ''by Sowmya Ravidas''<br/>LLVM to JavaScript compiler
| 12:30 PM
| style="background:#ffe6e6" | '''Binary exploitation''' ''by Sheshagiri Prabhu''
| 1:00 PM
| colspan="5" style="text-align:center" | '''Lunch Break'''
| 2:00 PM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''Twitter Bootstrap''' ''by Gagan Deep''<br/>Workshop
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Raspberry Pi''' ''by Akshat Singh''
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Emacs for humans''' ''by Noufal Ibrahim''<br/>Workshop
| style="background:#ffe6e6" | '''Setup Diaspora pod''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''<br/>Workshop
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Map some locations''' ''by Pavithran Shakamuri''<br/>Workshop
| 3:00 PM
| style="background:#e6ffe6" | '''Debian-edu''' ''by Shirish Agarwal''<br/>Discussion
| 4:00 PM
| style="background:#fff0f5" | '''D3 and SVG''' ''by Saurabh Kumar''
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Starting FOSS group''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''<br/>Discussion
| 5:00 PM
| style="background:#f0f8ff" | '''Backbone.js''' ''by Jaseem Abid''<br/>Demo
| style="background:#f5f5f5" | '''Software troubleshooting''' ''by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil''<br/>Panel
| 6:00 PM
| colspan="5" style="background:#ffebcd" | '''Closing Ceremony''' ''by Team FOSSMeet''
== Notes ==
* All workshops are hands-on sessions
* Panel discussions are interactive sessions with audience participation
* Tracks are color-coded for easy reference
* Some sessions might require prior registration