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Teams in Tathva'24: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The '''Teams''' in Tathva'24, consisting of Content, Design, Tech, and Social Media, were responsible for executing specialized tasks that ensured the fest's smooth operation and engaging presence. ===Content Team=== The '''Content Team''' in Tathva'24 was responsible for crafting and managing all written materials for the event. This included creating event descriptions, drafting official communications, and curating promotional content for social media, websites, and...")
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The team also created and promoted the Tathva trailer on YouTube, which showcased the fest's highlights and attracted a wide audience, further amplifying the event's reach and excitement.
The team also created and promoted the Tathva trailer on YouTube, which showcased the fest's highlights and attracted a wide audience, further amplifying the event's reach and excitement.
See also:[[Teams and Committees in Tathva'24]]

