FLOSS Meet Thusharagiri and More

Revision as of 16:05, 29 June 2024 by Vysakh Premkumar (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Guys and Gals, I like to write more about the Floss meet held @ NIT Calicut.. FLOSS MEET @ NITC We had a small inauguration function in Arya Bhatta Lecture Hall. I was sitting in the stage with Dr. S S Gokhale (the director of NIT Calicut), Dr. K P Mohandas, Dr. Abraham T Mathew Mr Sudhakar (Vice President of CSI) and Praveen ! .There were some 140-150 delegates in the AryaBhatta Hall .We had to Swap the sessions as Atul was coming Late .. So We had "The Magi...")
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Guys and Gals,

I like to write more about the Floss meet held @ NIT Calicut..


We had a small inauguration function in Arya Bhatta Lecture Hall. I was sitting in the stage with Dr. S S Gokhale (the director of NIT Calicut), Dr. K P Mohandas, Dr. Abraham T Mathew Mr Sudhakar (Vice President of CSI) and Praveen ! .There were some 140-150 delegates in the AryaBhatta Hall .We had to Swap the sessions as Atul was coming Late ..

So We had "The Magical World of Python" by Swaroop and Pradeep was in the Morning Session.. It was a very Interactive session .. I couldnt Attend most of the part of it as I had to go to get the Wi Fi Connection in Atul's Computer ..I hope I will be able to attend Swaoop's talk in GEC Thrissur for the Rennaisance 2005. Pradeep talked about his Company Zeomega infotech, in the end. Swaroop had brought some Yahoo ! T Shirts along with him .. He didnt simply wanted to distribute it , so He asked some questions related to the Free software world , and those who answered first will get a nice Yahoo ! T Shirt. I was lucky to answer the name of the founderer of the free software foundation Stallman ..Wow I Have a nice Yahoo T Shirt now with me .. Praveen also got one .

Shanker Started the session after the lunch... Then Our LCD Started showing back the us .. We had to get a new LCD from the Library .... Thus the session started late by 30 minutes .. It was a interesting talk about the BSD , The Devil's Side of Open Source" .. He told about the BSD Licence .. I now consider to learn that ..

Then we had the Talk by Atul Chitnis about the FLOSS, and its effect in India. It was so intersting.. Most of the students rated his speech as A + . If you like to see a person who can think and speak at the same time , then there is only one person that is Chitnis.

I went to meet our speakers in the Guest House in the night .. I enjoyed having food with them .. In between the food Shanu was explaing about the differnt kerala dishes to others.. After that I expressed my doubts about the IT Field and companies to Atul and Shanu.. They also wanted my to become a Geek ... i dont know if a Geek is made or born . Am I Already a Geek ? Dont Know ?

I took Swaroop and Pradeep to show Our campus .. I showed them most of the parts of it , our Main CC, hostels , Library etc.. They were amazed by the size and greenary of our college.. Praveen showed Swaroop the Ubuntu Linux and he seemed to like it also .. I Like those guys ,, I felt so intimate to them also ....


We Planned to go to Thusharagiri Waterfalls in the Sunday ., As usual I have to wake up Praveen.. We reached the guest house by 9 am .. and the Tata Sumo was also ready.. But our friends were still sleeping .. So we started the journey at 9 30 am .. They road to Thusharagiri is pretty Okay and its freee from the City traffic..

There are some shops in the down hill of Thusharagiri were yu can actually order for the food in advance.. We ordered for Chappathy and Meals. We started climbing .. There are actually 5 Waterfalls and you can cover only 3 in one day .. otherwise you need to stay there in the tent . The names of the waterfalls are funny, it is like Thenn Mala ( Honey Hill )... It is really a tiresome journey .. But adventurous.. Praveen had already came there for the NSS Camp .. So he was sure about the Paths through the forest.. You can find and feel the Real " Gods Own Country There "Swaroop was trying to take " Every Bit of Thusharagiri in his Digi Cam " .. I dont know if he has succeeded in that ... Need to check his photo Album .

We were very hungry by the time we reached back to the station... Praveen and Me Had the rice meals.. which tasted delicious... Swaroop and Pradeep had Chappathy.. ( Dont know how it was ! ). We were all sleeping in the Car in the return journey. All were deadly tired... But Swaroop still showed his enthu to climb the 4th Waterfall too... Amazing Man ...

Ya me and praveen accompanied to the Railway station in the aftenoon.. I showed them the Regal Bakery.. All of them except Shanu bought a lots of sweets and Bannana Chips... They bought the parcel food for the Dinner .. The Train came in time.. we had to run to the Front side , as the AC Coach was a bit far away. We thanked all for coming here to our college .... Probable we will meet them all in the next Linux Bangalore ( oops!.. sorry LB's Name is gonna change right so in the next OSS meet organised by Atul. ) .

Every thing is over ..Still the fire is burning in us ... It will be there for a long time.. Hope that most of the student attended the FLOSS MEET , will be move toward the Patent Free world of Softwares. I dont know how to express my thanks to Swaroop, Pradeep, Shanu, Atul , Praveen, Aswin, Jove, Bibin, Pullat and other who co operated with the event. Thank you all !


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