316 Scandal

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After the commencement of Ragam'23, students noticed a a unforeseen logo at the lower side of their official Ragam T shirts. Soon, the allegedly butterfly shaped logo wasdecrypted to actually look like the the number 316. After quick searches over the Instagram, a page related to the name 316 was found. It belonged to the a group of friends, many of whom in higher positions of responsibilities in the Ragam team.

A GSB meet was held in Aryabhatta hall and the place was filled with 100s of students wanting answers. The Head of the Merchandise committee and the Design committee were grilled to seek explanation about the logo. The Ragam convener was also questioned, bu the brushed of the responsibilities by calling the happenings "unfortunate".

The student body, now united also questioned them about the blatant financial mishaps that allegedly let them pocket money into their own pockets.

LnD wrote a Crow Talks about the issue. link