Dr. Noel Jacob Kaleekkal
Assistant Professor

Office Address:
Room 105 Chemical Engineering Department NIT Calicut
Contact no:
0495-228-5463 / 8754557380
Email ID:
Educational Qualifications
- PhD in Chemical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India
- M.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Research Interest
- Membrane based Technologies
- Water treatment
- Fuel cells
- Carbon material
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor-I (04.07.22 to present)
- Assistant Professor-II (09.05.18 to 03.07.22), Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
- Assistant Professor-III (15.07.17- 30.04.18), Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA Deemed University, Tanjore, India
Professional Associations
- International Water Association (IWA)- Individual Membership #1624990 (up to 2023)
- Indian National Academy of Engineering- Young Associate (2022)
- Indian Membrane Society (IMS)- Life Member #224
- Association of Separation Scientists and Technologists (ASSET)- Life Member #269
- Indian Desalination Association (IDA)- Life Member #527
- Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE)- Life Member #71293
Conferences and Seminars
- Oral Presentation ‘Thin-film Nanocomposite Membranes for Water Recovery-Experimental and Machine Learning Approaches’ at Macromolecular Symposium (PACIFICHEM 2021) - Advanced Membranes and Membrane Processes for Global Separations Challenges – Hawaii, USA (Online) 22nd December 2021.
- Oral Presentation ’Thin-film nanocomposite membranes- a versatile solution for water treatment and desalination’ at International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management & Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON-2021)- Online – 19-20 March 2021.
- "Oral Presentation (Short Talk) ‘Tuning the Performance of Thin-Film Composite Membranes for Water Treatment and Desalination’ at the International Conference- Sustainable Technologies for Water Treatment and Desalination (STWTD-2020) conducted by NIT Calicut and Indian Membrane Society on 18-19th December 2020.
- Oral Presentation "Thin-film nanocomposite membranes- a versatile solution for water treatment and desalination" at the International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management, InDACON-2021 held ONLINE on March 19 – 20, 2021; organized by Indian Desalination Association.
- Oral presentation “Novel Proton Exchange Membranes for Direct-Alcohol Fuel Cell” at 6th International Water Association-Regional Membrane Technology Conference (IWA-RMTC) held MS University Baroda on 10th -13th December, 2018.
- Best paper award for “Bio-templated titania nanoparticles incorporated PVDF electrospun membrane for wastewater treatment” at SESTEC 2018 organized by ASSET at BITS, Goa held on 23rd -26th May 2018.
- Presented Poster at Indian Membrane Society international conference held on 21st -23rd March 2015 at M.S. University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
- Presented paper titled ‘Separation Performance of Polysulfone Blend Sulfonated Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes’ in IPACT-2013 (National Conference) at Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Organized and Participated in the One-day Seminar by Indian Desalination Association (SbZ) on “Trends in Water Management” held at Anna University on World water day, (22nd March) 2013.