Wiki Sprint Jan2024

Revision as of 21:42, 13 January 2024 by Adil (talk | contribs)

Hello and welcome to WIKI Sprint. The event is scheduled for Monday 6PM TO Tuesday morning 6AM. The end goal of the event is to familiarise NITC students the usage of mediawiki instances which many Wiki sites including Wikipedia use.

You're expected to add your entries to the list down below. Usually all the pages are open and you don't necessarily need to have an account to edit pages or create them. This one has been protected to promote more user sign-ups.

Click on the create profile option in the top right corner and once you're done creating the account please add your name to the list attached below.

You can start writing random articles or everything and anything that's related to NITC. Once we have enough content we can start working on linking each other with links.

List Of attendees for the event.

  1. Vysakh Premkumar
  2. Aadil Krishna
  3. Abhishek Mohan
  4. Akshay Raj P
  5. Adil
  6. Subhashish Kumar Thakur