Spanky (Legendary doggo)

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In loving memory of Spanky, (known by some as pian and buddy). One of the goodest boys to grace this world, he left a pawprint on all our hearts. With his distinguished poses and his loveable eyes, Spanky was the apple of everyone's eye. The most gentle, kind being you would find on campus, he found company within the solace of others where he quietly joined in on events, celebrations and hangouts. Widely regarded as the only NITC-ian to attend (almost) every event on campus without fail, Spanky was a welcome guest anywhere he went. Ours eyes shall well and our hearts will ache as we pass through the corridors of the Main Building or lounge at the amphitheatre he called his home. NITC will never be the same without you.

Rest In Peace friend. May you find everlasting peace.