Wonderful wheather ! FLOSS Meet a grand success

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Today the weather was really romantic! It drizzled and it seemed to rain at any time. I am very happy after the floss meet, it was simply great. Everyone appreciated our efforts and we hope this will trigger discussions in the campus and in the society around. We had heated discussions yesterday with friends and in the class there were some arguments over matlab and octave (I missed it as it is a Monday!). All the sessions were great and every one here are gonna be pythonistas kudos to Swaroop and Pradeep, we had a very nice introduction to the pythonic way of thinking .. like explicit is better than implicit, beautiful is better than ugly …..

The Chitnis talk was excellent, his explanations were clear and simple and he had great analogies. Shanker Balan talked about ‘the devil‘s side of open source’. He talked about the BSD Operating system and its features. Yesterday we had trekking in Tusharagiri with Swaroop and Pradeep. It was a nice experience as they talked about the IT life and plus and minus about the coding life. Ckeck out Dilpu’s Blog for more inside stories.

Thanks a lot for the speakers who found time to come here and make this event a grand success. Also to KP Mohandas sir, Rajagopal sir, ATM sir, Pathari sir, Amal, Shyam, Tojin and all our juniors Ashwin, Jove, Pullat, Jithu, Bipin, Mathews, Hains …… who were with me and Dilpu to make this a memorable one.