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The first edition of Friday Night FOSS took place on August 11th, 2023, marking the start of a series of monthly get-togethers. This mini-hackathon is more than just a chance for people with similar interests to work together on building free and open-source software; it's also a space for sharing knowledge and expertise in the ever-growing world of technology.


FOSSCell is a vibrant technical club at NITC, passionately promoting and strengthening the Free and Open Source Software ecosystem.

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Friday Night FOSS Aug’23

During the event, participants got deep into refining their software ideas. The atmosphere was full of excitement as people explored different ways their ideas could be used, discussed the details, and came up with innovative solutions. The strategic planning sessions were crucial, helping participants create strong initial versions of their projects, known as minimum viable products (MVPs).

The event showcased exceptional creativity, providing an environment where innovative ideas thrived. There was a strong sense of collaboration in the air, with individuals from various backgrounds coming together with a shared goal of advancing open-source projects. Members of FOSSCell played a key role as mentors, not only sharing their expertise but also contributing to a sense of camaraderie by addressing questions and offering valuable insights.

The success of the event goes beyond the projects initiated; it's also about the dynamic learning and growth that took place. As the community continues to flourish, Friday Night FOSS demonstrates the power of collective effort in shaping the future of free and open-source software development.


After a gap of three years, the flagship event of FOSS Cell NITC returned with all glory. FOSSMeet’23 was held on February 10,11, and 12, and witnessed over a hundred participants and more than 15 speakers from all over India. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Sasi Kumar, a Free Software activist and a member of the Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation of India. The speakers talked on different topics and gave insights on FOSS ideologies and projects. Rust workshop, NeST workshop and Self Hosting workshop saw active participation from the participants and were a new experience for beginner FOSS enthusiasts.

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