Mental Health week (LnD)

Revision as of 22:27, 1 June 2024 by Vinit Keshri (talk | contribs)

Mental Health Week, another significant initiative by the Literary and Debating Club, takes place annually in May. This event aims to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote well-being among students. Like Pride Week, Mental Health Week features 6-9 thoughtfully curated Instagram posts that create a beautiful grid consisting posts emphasizing the importance of mental health and encouraging open conversations about it.

A highlight of Mental Health Week is the talk or online webinar/workshop led by a mental health expert, referred to as the "Protagonist." This session provides valuable insights and practical advice on mental health topics, helping students to better understand and manage their mental well-being. Through these efforts, the Literary & Debating Club underscores its dedication to supporting mental health on campus and creating a supportive community for all students.

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Mental Health's Week 2024

MHW 2024 Instagram Grid
Caption text
Post Type Link/Image
Elephant in the Room Article
Mhw 2024 Post 9
Fighting the Clock Article
Mhw 2024 Post 9
Scroll Bound Reel
Mhw 2024 Post 7
Matter Over the Mind Article
Mhw 2024 Post 6
Monotonicity Reel
Mhw 2024 Post 5
Comfort of sadness and Depression Article
Mhw 2024 Post 4
Voice over the Mind Article
Mhw 2024 Post 3
It is a Problem Article
Mhw 2024 Post 2
Protagonist Event
Mhw 2024 Post 1