Happy Birthday KDE
KDE 28th Birthday Celebration: Happy Birthday KDE Sprint
To celebrate the 28th birthday of KDE, we're hosting a fun coding sprint where students can explore different programming languages.

At the **Happy Birthday KDE Sprint**, the goal is simple: write code that prints "Happy Birthday KDE" in as many languages as possible. It’s a great chance to try out new languages and share what you learn by documenting the setup process in the community wiki.
Event Details
- Venue: Green Amphi Theatre
- Date & Time: 17/10/2024 7:30 PM to 18/10/2024 7:30 PM
What We'll Be Doing
- Play around with different programming languages.
- Write a quick "Happy Birthday KDE" in each one.
- Share how to set up each language’s development environment in the wiki.
How to Join
- Bring your laptop with any tools you like to code with.
- Try new languages, work together, and have some fun.
- Submit your code and setup instructions to be added to the wiki.
This is a laid-back event where you can explore new languages, meet other coders, and join in the KDE birthday fun!
You can login to your wiki account and then use
2 hiphens and 4 tildas to add your name to any of the language you are interested in. refer to the source below for reference.
Git Repo : HBD-KDE
-- Vysakh Premkumar (talk) 23:01, 16 October 2024 (IST)
-- saliaku (talk) 20:13, 17 October 2024 (IST)
GNU Linux
- Choose a text editor of your choice
- Type codes snippet mentioned here and save it as HBD-KDE.c
- gcc and other required packages can be easily installed by running ``sudo apt install build-essentials``
- open terminal
- Use cd command to navigate to the folder where the HBD-KDE.c file is saved
- Run gcc HBD-KDE.c to compile the program
- You would get a file named a.out , which is the binary output file
- You can run this file by running ``./a.out``
- Choose a text editor of your choice
- Type codes snippet mentioned here and save it as HBD-KDE.cpp
- g++ and other required packages can be easily installed by running ``sudo apt install build-essentials``
- open terminal
- Use cd command to navigate to the folder where the HBD-KDE.cpp file is saved
- Run g++ HBD-KDE.cpp to compile the program (alternatively you can make use of the make command )
- You would get a file named a.out , which is the binary output file
- You can run this file by running ``./a.out``
--Bheem (talk) 19:23, 17 October 2024 (IST)
- Choose a text editor of your choice
- Type codes snippet mentioned here and save it as HBD-KDE.py
- python3 comes preinstalled by default on almost all GNU-Linux distributions
- open terminal
- Use cd command to navigate to the folder where the python file is saved
- Run python3 HBD-KDE.py to run the python program
- Go to the nodejs.org website and install the latest version of node
- Create a file named HBD-KDE.js and write the code .
- run "node HBD-KDE.js" to get the output in the terminal
- Install deno-2 from this link (Deno supports typescript natively , saving you the extra step of compiling it to javascript)
- Create a file named HBD-KDE.ts and write the code.
- run deno HBD-KDE.ts to get the output in the terminal
- Download and install the GO compiler
- Write the happy birthday message in a file with extension .go
- save and run the code by typing go run HBD-KDE.go
- You will get the output in the terminal
--Bheem (talk) 02:33, 21 October 2024 (IST)
1 Download and install the rust compiler 2 Write the happy birthday code in a file with extension .rs 3 save and run the code by typing ./HBD-KDE in the terminal 4 You will get the output in the terminal
GNU Linux
- Download and install the dart-SDK from the official dart website
- Create a file and write the code to print the message and save it with a .dart extenstion
- run the code by typing dart run HBD-KDE.dart
- You will get the output in the terminal !!
GNU Linux
- Clone the shell file or copy its content into a shell file
- use
sudo chmod +x hbd-kde.sh
, to make it executable - run
to print out the text in the terminal
- Download and install Lua compiler
- Clone the hbd-kde.lua file or copy its content into a lua file
- Use
lua hbd-kde.lua
to print out the text