Failed List


"Document Your failures, Record them infront of as many eyes as possible so that no other human has to put in effort and time to fail the same way ever again"

I'm pretty sure someone smart might have told this already. But this Is my effort to document My biggest failures down my campus life. I'll try to complete the list when I get time and will ensure they are well described. Feel Free to add your Failures as well:) .

Vysakh Premkumar (B190622EC)

This space is supposed to provide a your thoughts I'm not gonna do this I hope you do it so that readers can get a bit contexts about your failures maybe ?

Rajpath RECalls

Started out as a Campus Radio for NITC during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Reached around 300 + Peak listeners thanks to the Anuragam 21 Event. Key members lost interest ig I'm unsure. Also works for tathva had an impact maybe? I'm unsure again. It wasn't a complete failure tho. Helped me get many good friends and get in touch with may admin members, security personal and also Safa sounds thanks to the efforts to try to switch to campus first broadcast. I'd argue even when the project failed the efforts I and my team put in, especially the ones put like learning docker and familiarising network stuff helped me secure the Job I currently have.

GNU/Linux Classes

Started following the Tathva workshops for selected B22 students. It was again mostly a success I convinced many B22s who were First years at the time to switch to GNU/Linux many learned so much stuff and I'm proud that they did. The classes were held in an undisclosed location (hehe). The classes helped me secure around 200-400 INR per week based on the 50 INR fee I charged the students. Tried to resurrect the program for B23. I messed it up mostly because I forgot to wake up at time and yea It stopped working altogether.


One of my dream project :"). After Attending DebConf 23 I was deeply motivated to give back to the Debian community as well as switch as many of the students that are in campus to Debian. I already had a plan to create a distro for NITC I can't really find how I reached the thought. Anyhow meeting Rudra Saraswat the 13 year old kid who had made an immutable arch-based distro did have a huge impact to fuel the development. Multiple hacker sessions were held mostly in the library. And ig we managed to fork another debian based distro naed Eznix OS and get gnome to be working in the ISO.

The Plan Was to have an OS in which most of the students starting off with at least the circuit branch students to install unBOS ( The word comes from anbu tamil which means love ? also kinda similar to unbox change x with an s) and then they can have all the software and tools that are necessary for their academic and general campus related activities.

Some of the features include

  • Storing the wifi login in gnome-keyring ? (I've no clue if that's even possible the idea is to keep it secure) and have a widget through which u can one tap connect and disconnect to the NITC network login.
  • We had a python script made during the Friday night foss even that had happened earlier that sem and it helped user clean up all the emails. so having that pre-installed and configured to auto clean spam mails such as the ones having keywords lost ticket etc.
  • Dynamic Timetable based on CalDav was also in discussions. so that the CR or the faculty can dynamically assign rescheduled cancel classes and it should get updated in user calendars. And the idea was to have a system such that we dont' need to write another js or python project from scratch just to let it die away without no one using but to use the existing calender clients and supply them with caldav based updates.

Book My Book (Decentralized Library)

you can find more details about the project here(Decentralized Library). Loss of interest Strikes again.